import attrs
import base64
import logging
import os
import pickle
import prettyprinter
import shutil
from typing import Optional, Protocol, Iterable
from .exceptions import GWFError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Executor(Protocol):
def get_command(self, spec_path: str, workflow_root: str) -> Iterable[str]:
return []
class Bash:
"""Executes a target directly with Bash.
This is the default behavior and is basically the same as not using
the executor mechanism. Specs will be run using a Bash shell which must be
available on the system.
def get_command(self, spec_path: str, workflow_root: str) -> Iterable[str]:
return [spec_path]
class Conda:
"""Executes a target in a Conda environment.
This executor will run specs inside the Conda environment specified by
`env`. The executor does not create or update Conda environments for you,
so the environment must already exist.
The `env` can either be the name of a Conda environment (that can be looked
up with `conda env list`) or a path to a Conda environment directory.
If `debug_mode` is set to true, the executor will print detailed debug info
when activating the environment and running the script.
Conda must be installed and available on the system path, or the
`CONDA_EXE` environment variable must be point to a Conda installation.
env: str = attrs.field()
debug_mode: bool = attrs.field(default=False)
def get_command(self, spec_path: str, workflow_root: str) -> Iterable[str]:
debug_flags = ["--debug-wrapper-scripts", "-vvv"] if self.debug_mode else []
conda_exe = os.environ.get("CONDA_EXE", shutil.which("conda"))
if conda_exe is None:
raise GWFError("Could not find conda installation")
logger.debug("found conda executable at %s", conda_exe)
return [
class Pixi:
"""Executes a target in a Pixi environment.
This executor will run specs inside a Pixi environment in a given Pixi
project, as specified by `project`. If `project` is not specified, it is
assumed that there's a Pixi project in the workflow root.
The executor does not create or update Pixi environments for you, so the
environment must already exist.
The `env` is the name of the environment to run in and defaults to
If `debug_mode` is set to true, the executor will print detailed debug info
when activating the environment and running the script.
Pixi must be installed and available on the system path, or the
`PIXI_EXE` environment variable must be point to a Pixi installation.
project: Optional[str] = attrs.field(default=None)
env: str = attrs.field(default="default")
debug_mode: bool = attrs.field(default=False)
def get_command(self, spec_path: str, workflow_root: str) -> Iterable[str]:
pixi_exe = os.getenv("PIXI_EXE", shutil.which("pixi"))
if pixi_exe is None:
raise GWFError("Could not find pixi installation")
debug_flags = ["-vvv"] if self.debug_mode else []
manifest_path = workflow_root if self.project is None else self.project
return [
class Singularity:
"""Executes a target in a Singularity container.
This executor will execute a target inside the Singularity container
specified by `image`, which is the path to the image file (often `.sif`).
The executor will execute the target with the `singularity exec` command.
Additional flags to `singularity exec` may be specified with the `flags`
If `debug_mode` is set to true, the executor will print detailed debug info
when activating the environment and running the script.
Singularity must be available on the system path.
image: str = attrs.field()
flags: Iterable[str] = attrs.field(factory=list)
debug_mode: bool = attrs.field(default=False)
def get_command(self, spec_path: str, workflow_root: str) -> Iterable[str]:
singularity_exe = shutil.which("singularity")
if singularity_exe is None:
raise GWFError("Could not find singularity installation")
debug_flags = ["--debug"] if self.debug_mode else []
return [
class Apptainer:
"""Executes a target in a Apptainer container.
This executor will execute a target inside the Apptainer container
specified by `image`, which is the path to the image file (often `.sif`).
The executor will execute the target with the `singularity exec` command.
Additional flags to `singularity exec` may be specified with the `flags`
If `debug_mode` is set to true, the executor will print detailed debug info
when activating the environment and running the script.
Apptainer must be available on the system path.
image: str = attrs.field()
flags: Iterable[str] = attrs.field(factory=list)
debug_mode: bool = attrs.field(default=False)
def get_command(self, spec_path: str, workflow_root: str) -> Iterable[str]:
apptainer_exe = shutil.which("apptainer")
if apptainer_exe is None:
raise GWFError("Could not find apptainer installation")
debug_flags = ["--debug"] if self.debug_mode else []
return [apptainer_exe, *debug_flags, "exec", *self.flags, self.image, spec_path]
def skip_comments(script_file):
for line in script_file:
if line.startswith("#GWF COMMENT"):
yield line
def consume(cond, lst):
i = 0
while cond(lst[i]):
i += 1
return lst[i:]
def take(cond, lst):
i = 0
buf = []
while cond(lst[i]):
i += 1
return buf, lst[i:]
def serialize(target, file):
print("#GWF TARGET", file=file)
repr_str = prettyprinter.pformat(target)
for line in repr_str.splitlines(keepends=False):
print(f"#GWF COMMENT {line}", file=file)
print("#GWF SPEC", file=file)
print(target.spec, file=file)
data_width = 70
pickled = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(target)).decode("ascii")
for i in range(0, len(pickled), data_width):
print("#GWF DATA", pickled[i : i + data_width], file=file)
print("#GWF END", file=file)
def deserialize(script_file):
script_file = list(skip_comments(script_file))
script_file = consume(lambda line: not line.startswith("#GWF TARGET"), script_file)
script_file = consume(lambda line: line.startswith("#GWF TARGET"), script_file)
script_file = consume(lambda line: line.startswith("#GWF SPEC"), script_file)
script_file = consume(lambda line: not line.startswith("#GWF DATA"), script_file)
data_lines, script_file = take(
lambda line: line.startswith("#GWF DATA"), script_file
data = "".join(line.replace("#GWF DATA ", "") for line in data_lines).replace(
"\n", ""
script_file = consume(lambda line: line.startswith("#GWF END"), script_file)
return pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(data))