
Configuration of gwf is project-specific and thus all configuration must be done in the project directory where the workflow file is located.

Commands for Configuration

To see the value of a configuration key, use:

$ gwf config get KEY

To set the value of a key (or update it, if it already exists):

$ gwf config set KEY VALUE

Note that a keys are often of the form For example, the local backend supports the local.port setting which sets the port that the workers are running on. To set this settings, just run:

$ gwf config set local.port 4321

Now, when you run gwf with the local backend, it will try to connect workers on port 4321.

Your configuration is stored in the current working directory, which will usually be your project directory, in a file called .gwfconf.json. This means that all configuration is project-specific, which helps with reproducibility. You can inspect and change the file directly, but this is not recommended unless you really know what you’re doing.

Core settings are listed in the section below. To see which options are available for a specific backend, refer to the Backends documentation.

Available Settings

This page lists settings that are used by gwf. Backends and plugins may define their own settings, but these are documented for each backend/plugin individually. See Configuration if in doubt about how to configure gwf.

  • backend (str): Set the backend. Corresponds to the --backend flag (default: local).

  • verbose (str): Set the verbosity. Corresponds to the --verbose flag (default: info).

  • no_color (bool): If true, colors will not be used (default: false).